Saturday 19 September 2015


I have had this blog for almost a year now and as visible I have done nothing with it.

It is currently twenty to two in the morning and I have suddenly decided now is a good time to start.

This blog is not going to be just about fashion, or food it is going to be a life blog so I can look back and read about what this year is about show me, I am aware its not the new year just yet but a lot of things are about to happen in my life so I may as well keep track of them somewhere!

In approximately 6 days my parents are moving to Portugal taking with them my brother and my pets, whilst I stay with my grandparents to finish my degree. My degree... of which I start my last year of in 8 days and still have no idea what I want to do in life.

None of the `above sounds that interesting but I am sure over the next couple of weeks I will have something good to blog about once again.

LMJ x.